The Adventures of Stick and the Secret Cave

In a grassy field, under the sun,
A stick lay there, just for fun.
Some ants marched by, in a line,
They carried crumbs, oh so fine.

I picked up the stick and gave it a throw,
It started to float and away it did go.
I watched it disappear from my sight,
Into the blue sky, so clear and so bright.

But a new adventure was about to begin,
As I found a cave, that I could live in.
It was a cozy and quiet place,
I could read books, and even ace my maths race.

So now I play in the grassy field,
With my stick, and adventures to yield.
I know if I ever need to escape,
I can always go to my secret cave.


  1. What was the child's favorite toy in the story?
  2. Where did the child find the secret cave?
  3. What did the child do in the cave?
  4. How did the stick float in the air?
  5. Can you think of some other adventures the child might have had with their stick?

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