The Bike Adventure

So, you want to ride your bike
With your helmet on, take a hike
Grab your gear, let's get started
Fasten your helmet, don't be tardy

Check your brakes, make sure they work
We don't want you to get hurt
Put on your inner tube with care
And pump it up, until it's fair

Now you're ready to hit the road
But don't forget your safety code
Obey the rules, stay in line
And always use your stop sign

Finally, we've reached our destination
You've completed your biking mission
Take a deep breath, enjoy the view
And be proud of all that you can do!


  1. What safety equipment did the child need to wear before starting their bike adventure?
  2. How did the child ensure that their inner tube was secure and ready for the ride?
  3. Why was it important for the child to check their brakes before setting off?
  4. What did the child learn about obeying the rules of the road?
  5. How did the child feel after completing their biking mission?

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