Camel's Jumping Victory

Once upon a time, in a land far away
Lived a camel, who loved to play
He was tall and proud, with a hump so big
And he loved to dance a little jig

One day, he met a pig who was short and sweet
And they decided to have a little treat
They made a bet, who could jump the highest
The pig said, "I'll win, you can't deny this!"

The camel said, "Oh no, I'm the best
I'll jump so high, I'll pass the test!"
And so they jumped, as high as they could
The pig jumped high, but the camel understood

That he was the winner, he had won the bet
The pig said, "Well done, you are the best yet!"
The camel smiled and said with pride
"I am tall and strong, and nothing can hide

The fact that I am the best jumper around
No one can beat me, I am profound"
And with that, he strutted off into the sun
Happy and content with all that he had done.


Here are a few questions that can be asked to encourage children to think about the story:

  1. What was the bet that the camel and the pig made?
  2. Why was the camel so confident that he would win the bet?
  3. How did the camel feel after winning the bet?
  4. Why do you think the pig was happy even though he lost the bet?
  5. Do you think the camel and the pig became good friends after the bet? Why or why not?

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