The Dancing Dragon: A Chinese New Year Adventure

In a far-off land of ancient lore,
Where dragons roamed and soared and more,
A festival was held each year,
For Chinese New Year, oh so dear!

The dragon danced and swayed about,
Making noise and having clout,
Children watched in awe and wonder,
And some even dared to ponder.

"Could I ride a dragon's back,
And fly through China in a sack?
I would be so brave and bold,
And scare away the dragons old."

But as the night grew dark and still,
The children felt a sudden chill,
For in the distance, they could hear,
A roar that filled them all with fear.

The dragon's noise was loud and strong,
And it seemed to go on so long,
But as they watched, the kids could see,
That the dragon wasn't scary, but free.

So they danced and laughed and sang,
And welcomed in the New Year's bang,
For in China, it's tradition old,
To make a noise, so loud and bold.

And though the dragon may seem wild,
It's really just a playful child,
So celebrate with joy and cheer,
For Chinese New Year is finally here!


Here are some questions to ask kids to help them think about "The Dancing Dragon: A Chinese New Year Adventure":

  1. What did you think of the dragon's dance?
  2. Why were the children scared of the dragon's noise at first?
  3. How did the children feel when they realized the dragon was just having fun?
  4. What was your favorite part of the story, and why?
  5. What did you learn about Chinese New Year from this story?
  6. If you could ride a dragon's back, where would you go and what would you do?
  7. What are some traditions you have in your family to celebrate special holidays?
  8. Have you ever been scared of something at first, but then realized it was actually fun or exciting?
  9. What do you think the dragon symbolizes in Chinese culture?
  10. If you could celebrate Chinese New Year in China, what would you want to do and see?

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