The Busy Gardener and the Baking Apprentice

Once upon a time, in a land far away,
Lived a little girl who loved to play.
But her mother was busy with the chores,
Planting seeds and tending to the outdoors.

The little girl asked, "What are you doing, Mum?"
"I'm planting a garden," she said with a hum.
"We'll grow some plants and when they're tall,
We'll harvest them and make food for all."

The girl then asked, "What do we make?"
"We'll grind some wheat and bake a cake,"
Said her mother, as she handed her some flour,
"Mix it well, and it'll have the power."

The little girl worked hard and kneaded the dough,
And soon, they had a cake ready to go.
Her mother said, "Well done, my dear,
You've made something delicious, have no fear."

The little girl smiled and said, "I will,
Make more cakes and treats, I have the skill."
And so, they continued to plant and harvest,
And bake and cook, with love and effort.


  1. What did the little girl and her mother do together in the story?
  2. How did the little girl feel when her mother gave her some flour to make a cake?
  3. What did the little girl learn from her mother in the story?
  4. Why do you think it's important to work hard and be patient when planting a garden?
  5. Have you ever baked something with someone in your family? What did you make?

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