A Frozen Mall: A Tale of Penguins, Ducks, and Other Creatures

In the frosty land of snow and ice,
Lived a little penguin, oh so nice,
With its black and white coat and waddle,
It was always ready for a quick paddle.

Flying high above the penguin's head,
Was a mallard, with feathers so well-bred,
It quacked a greeting and looked around,
All the animals in this place it had found.

There was a pelican with a large beak,
And a vulture who seemed to always sneak,
Around for scraps and bits of food,
They all had their own special attitude.

A tiny hummingbird with wings so fast,
Flew by in a colorful flash,
It looked around and saw it all,
This little bird was having a ball.

Then came a chicken, clucking away,
It pecked the ground for food all day,
All these animals, big and small,
Had their place in this frozen mall.

And though they were so different,
They all lived here with such content,
This land was their home, and they shared it,
Each creature with its own little bit.

So let's appreciate this world we live,
And all the creatures that we give,
A place to call their very own,
A home where they can all be known.


  1. What kind of animals lived in the frozen mall in the story?
  2. What was unique about each of the animals in the story?
  3. How did the animals get along with each other in the frozen mall?
  4. Why is it important for different animals to have a place they can call home?
  5. What did you learn from the story about the different animals and their characteristics?

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