The Adventure of the Lost Kitten

Good morning, little ones, how do you do?
I have a fun subject to show to you!
It's all about the day, from morning to night,
And the things we do from left to right.

In the morning, the sun rises high,
And we wake up with a big stretch and a sigh.
We brush our teeth and comb our hair,
And get ready for the day with great care.

In the afternoon, the day is still bright,
And we play outside until it's night.
We run and jump, and swing and slide,
Until it's time to come back inside.

At six o'clock, we sit down to eat,
And enjoy a yummy and delicious treat.
We talk and laugh and share our day,
And then it's time for us to play.

In the evening, we wind down and rest,
And prepare for tomorrow's new test.
We read a book or watch a show,
And then it's time for us to go.

So now you know all about our day,
From morning until it's time to hit the hay.
We hope you had fun and learned a lot,
And we can't wait to see you again, like it or not!


  1. How did the little girl feel when she realized her kitten was missing?
  2. What did the little girl do to try and find her kitten?
  3. What obstacles did the little girl face on her journey to find her kitten?
  4. How did the people she met on her journey help her?
  5. What did the little girl learn about kindness and helping others?
  6. What would you do if you found a lost kitten or pet?
  7. Why is it important to help others and be kind?

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