The Grumpy Troll's Game of Toss

Once upon a time, in a land far away,
There lived a grumpy troll who didn't like to play.
He sat on a rock and frowned all day,
And scared off any children who came his way.

But then one day, a little boy named Billy Goat,
Came skipping by and wanted to gloat.
He challenged the troll to a game of toss,
And said, "If I win, you have to be less cross."

The troll agreed, and they began to pass,
A ball back and forth with great pizzazz.
Billy Goat was quick, and soon he saw,
That the troll was having fun without a flaw.

They played for hours, until the sun went down,
And the troll's grumpiness was nowhere to be found.
He had been fixed by a simple game,
And now he was happy and not so lame.

So remember, dear kids, if you ever see,
A grumpy troll who seems unfree,
Just toss a ball or fix a toy,
And maybe he'll be your friend with joy!


  1. How did the little boy, Billy Goat, help the grumpy troll in the story?
  2. What did the troll like to do before he played a game of toss with Billy Goat?
  3. How did the troll's mood change after playing the game of toss with Billy Goat?
  4. What are some ways that you could help someone who is feeling grumpy or sad?
  5. Do you think it's important to try to make new friends, even if they seem grumpy at first? Why or why not?

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