The Secret Life of a Slimy Mate

In the soil, there lies a mate,
A slimy worm who likes to wait,
Beneath the ground, he likes to hide,
In a tunnel, long and wide.

He wriggles through the dirt and grime,
Leaving slimy trails behind,
But did you know, if you take a look,
You'll see the tunnel that he took?

Through the soil, he goes each day,
Making sure to stay out of the way,
Of bigger creatures who might eat,
This tiny worm, so small and neat.

So next time you're out and about,
And see a tunnel or a sprout,
Remember the mate who lives below,
And all the secrets he does know.


  1. Who is the main character of the story, and what does it look like?
  2. Where does the slimy mate live, and what does it do each day?
  3. What are some of the dangers the slimy mate faces while living underground?
  4. How does the slimy mate help the soil and the plants that grow in it?
  5. Have you ever seen a worm or a tunnel in the soil before, and what did you think about it?

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