Exploring the Enchanted Forest

In Alaska's icy waters blue,
Live creatures strange and new,
Starfish with their arms outstretched,
Exploring all they can and fetch.

They move so slowly, with ease,
Using their tentacles like keys,
Unlocking secrets of the sea,
Discovering wonders all around thee.

They come in colors many and bright,
Orange, purple, yellow, and white,
Each one special in its own way,
Living in the ocean night and day.

If you gently touch them, you'll see,
How they react so gracefully,
Moving their arms and holding on tight,
Asking you to leave them in sight.

So let them be and watch them roam,
The starfish of the ocean's home,
They are one of the many treasures,
That Alaska's waters gently measures.


  1. What did the friends discover in the enchanted forest?
  2. Why do you think the forest was called "enchanted"?
  3. What challenges did the friends face during their adventure?
  4. What was your favorite part of the story, and why?
  5. If you could go on an adventure in a magical forest, what would you hope to find?

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