The Monarch's Garden

In the soil beneath our feet,
Seeds await their chance to meet
The sun and rain, and start to grow
Into plants that monarchs know

For monarchs need a place to rest
A shelter for their wings to nest
And our plants are just the thing
To give them shelter on the wing

And as they sip the nectar sweet
From the flowers that we meet
We see how they, like a customer
Are drawn to nature's grandeur

For the monarchs come from far and wide
To find a home and a place to bide
And it's up to us, both young and old
To protect their habitat and hold

So let's plant and grow with care
And keep the monarchs in our care
For their beauty is a gift to see
And they need our help, you and me.


  1. What inspired the community to create the Monarch's Garden, and why was it important?
  2. How did the garden help the monarch butterflies, and what did the butterflies bring to the garden?
  3. What did the community learn about the importance of protecting our natural world by creating the garden?
  4. How can you and your family help to protect habitats like the Monarch's Garden in your community?
  5. What other creatures or plants do you think might benefit from a habitat like the Monarch's Garden, and why?

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