Kangaroo's Adventure Across the World

In Tanzania, a kangaroo did live,
But it yearned to explore and to give
A hop, a skip, and a jump so grand,
To see new sights in faraway lands.

It hopped and hopped and hopped some more,
Till it reached Canada's snowy shores,
Where it met some friends who loved to play,
And they laughed and danced the day away.

Then off it went to Australia's outback,
Where it met some roos who gave it a pat on the back,
And they said, "Come join us, we'll show you around,
And we'll hop and bounce and play on the ground."

Next stop was Russia, with its chilly air,
And there it met some polar bears,
They said, "You're a long way from your home,
But with us, you'll never feel alone."

In South Korea, it tasted ketchup so sweet,
And it danced to a beat that couldn't be beat,
It made so many friends, it felt so alive,
And it knew it had found a place to thrive.

Last stop was a barbecue in the park,
Where it shared a meal with friends so stark,
They all gathered around the grill so hot,
And they ate and laughed and forgot their fraught.

The kangaroo felt so lucky to roam,
And to see so many places far from home,
It knew it had made friends all around,
And it knew it would always be safe and sound.


  1. What inspired the kangaroo to travel around the world, and what did it discover in each new place it visited?
  2. What kind of animals and people did the kangaroo meet on its travels, and what did they teach it about life and friendship?
  3. How did the kangaroo feel when it was far away from home, and what did it do to stay connected to its roots and its identity?
  4. What do you think the kangaroo learned about itself on its journey, and how did it change as a result of its experiences?
  5. If you could travel anywhere in the world like the kangaroo, where would you go and what would you hope to discover?

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