The Frog Who Learned to Love His Webbed Feet

In a pond, down by the creek,
Lived a frog with webbed feet that's sleek,
He loved to jump and take a leap,
And catch some flies, his favorite treat.

But one day, as he was leaping,
He saw some ducks up in the sky,
With wings that flap and soar so high,
He wished he could do that, oh my!

"I have these webbed feet," he thought,
"But wings are what I really want,
To fly up high and see the world,
And have the use of wings unfurled."

But then he realized with glee,
That his webbed feet have uses, you see,
To swim and paddle, catch his food,
And do many things that are good.

And so he learned to be content,
With what he had, and not lament,
For every creature has a way,
To live and thrive each passing day.

With fins and wings and webbed feet too,
Each one is special, that is true,
And we should love them all the same,
For each one has a different aim.


  1. What did the frog want to have instead of his webbed feet?
  2. What are some of the things that the frog realized he could do with his webbed feet?
  3. Why do you think it's important to appreciate and be content with what we have?
  4. Can you name some other animals that have webbed feet and what they use them for?
  5. How can we learn to love and appreciate ourselves just the way we are?

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