The Brave Soldier in the Parade

Once upon a time, there was a parade,
Where soldiers marched in a grand brigade,
The mayor was there to lead the way,
With decorations bright and gay.

One soldier caught the mayor's eye,
Standing tall and marching by,
The mayor called out to him, "Oh my!
What a brave soldier, I must say hi!"

The soldier looked up, feeling proud,
As the mayor approached him in the crowd,
The mayor said, "Your uniform looks so trim,
And your boots are shiny, let me see them."

The soldier beamed with joy and pride,
To have the mayor by his side,
The mayor said, "I'll give you a pin,
For being such a brave young him."

So remember, kids, to do your best,
And one day you might be dressed,
In a uniform with decorations fine,
Marching proudly in a grand parade line.


  1. What did the soldier do to catch the mayor's attention during the parade?
  2. How did the soldier feel when the mayor gave him a pin for his bravery?
  3. Have you ever participated in a parade or celebration like the one in the story?
  4. What does it mean to be brave? Can you think of a time when you were brave?
  5. Do you think it's important to honor and recognize people who do good things and work hard? Why or why not?

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