The Adventure of the Motor Boat

On the coast, by the sea so blue,
There's a motor boat that's waiting for you.
With a frame so strong and sturdy,
It can sail far and wide, oh so worthy!

The sail is up, it's catching the breeze,
As the boat glides over the waves with ease.
The seagulls bark and fly above,
While the boat carries its goods with love.

Over the horizon, the sun begins to set,
A colorful scene you'll never forget.
With a boat like this, you could explore,
All the wonders of the ocean's floor.

So come aboard, set your spirit free,
With a motor boat as fine as can be.
Frame, sail, motor, and coast,
A voyage of discovery, you'll enjoy the most!


  1. What kind of boat did the friends go on and where did they go exploring?
  2. What was the weather like during their adventure and did they face any challenges?
  3. What kind of goods did they bring with them on the boat?
  4. What animals did they encounter on the coast?
  5. What did the sail catch and why was it important for the boat?

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