The Park Project: A Tale of Teamwork and Determination

Once upon a time in a town not far,
Lived a group of kids who dreamed big by far,
They wanted to build a park for all to share,
But first they needed a lot, that was clear.

Their neighbor was kind and offered a space,
But they needed a permit to use the place,
So they went to City Hall to get things done,
And asked for help from everyone.

The officer said, "You need to donate,
To make sure this project is great,
Show us your plan and let's make it clear,
That this park will bring lots of cheer."

The kids worked hard and presented their case,
With drawings and ideas, they showed their grace,
City Hall approved and gave them the go,
To build the park and watch it grow.

Their neighbor helped, and the park was built,
Kids played and laughed, it was a thrill,
Thanks to the teamwork and effort they made,
A place for all, in which memories were laid.


Here are some questions that can be asked to encourage kids to think about the story:

  1. What did the kids want to build, and why did they want to build it?
  2. What challenges did the kids face when trying to build the park, and how did they overcome these challenges?
  3. What role did the neighbor play in helping the kids build the park?
  4. How did the kids demonstrate determination and teamwork throughout the story?
  5. What is the message of the story, and what can we learn from it?

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