Having Fun and Sticking Together with Friends

With a little laugh and a little luck,
We'll play and run and jump amuck.
But watch out, friends, for there may be
Some yucky things we cannot see.

Some things we have, like toys and games,
And some things we need, like diaper changes.
But even when we're feeling grim,
We know we can count on our friends to tickle us and make us grin.

So come on, kids, let's have some fun,
And stick together, everyone.
We'll run and laugh and play with glee,
And know that we're in it together, you and me.


  1. What are some fun activities that you like to do with your friends?
  2. Can you think of some things that are yucky or gross that we can't see?
  3. Why is it important to have friends that you can count on?
  4. What are some things that we need to do to take care of ourselves, even when we don't feel good?
  5. How does it feel when you're playing with your friends and having fun together?

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