Jack's Magical Porridge Adventure

Once upon a time in a land far away,
A youngster named Jack began his day,
He sat down to eat his morning meal,
A bowl of porridge, his morning deal.

He took a spoon and began to eat,
When suddenly there came a knocking beat,
He wondered who it could be at the door,
And went to answer, as he did before.

But no one was there, just an empty space,
So he returned to his porridge at a steady pace,
But soon he heard another knock,
And off he went to the door, with a little hop.

Again, there was nobody in sight,
But he saw something that gave him a fright,
A medium-sized beanstalk, growing tall,
Right in front of his house, standing tall.

He realized then that his porridge bowl,
Was no ordinary bowl, but a magical toll,
It had led him to a fairy tale land,
Where adventures and magic are close at hand.

And so, with a smile on his face,
Jack decided to explore this place,
With his porridge bowl and a heart full of glee,
He set off to see what he could see.


  1. What was Jack's morning meal?
  2. What happened when Jack heard a knocking at the door?
  3. What did Jack see when he went outside after hearing the knocking?
  4. What did Jack realize about his porridge bowl?
  5. What did Jack do when he discovered the magical beanstalk?
  6. What surprises and unexpected encounters did Jack experience on his adventure?
  7. How do you think Jack felt about his adventure? Why?
  8. If you could go on a magical adventure like Jack, where would you go and what would you do?

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