The Porridge, The Youngster, and The Lesson of Kindness

Once upon a time in a land far away,
There lived a young boy who loved to play.
He woke up one morning, feeling hungry and bright,
And asked his mother for porridge that night.

His mother replied with a smile and a nod,
And set to work on the porridge, oh so hot.
She asked him a question, "What's your favorite medium?"
To which he replied, "Coloring with my new premium."

As they sat down to eat, there came a knock at the door,
A little youngster asking for answers galore.
The boy welcomed him in and shared his food,
And the youngster felt grateful, his gratitude renewed.

As he bid farewell and began to return,
The boy felt happy, his heart all a-turn.
For in helping others, he found his delight,
And knew it was a lesson that would guide him right.


  1. Who are the main characters in the story?
  2. What did the young boy ask his mother for in the beginning of the story?
  3. What did the young boy's mother ask him about his favorite medium?
  4. What happened when a youngster knocked on the door while the young boy and his mother were eating porridge?
  5. What lesson did the young boy learn from his experience with the youngster?
  6. Can you think of a time when you helped someone else, and how did it make you feel?

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