Tommy and the Magic Paintbrush

When you wake up in the morning, it's time for breakfast,
To start the day with energy and not feel unrest.
Your body needs fuel to keep you going,
So you can have fun and keep on growing.

But before you start munching, there's something to know,
Germs are around and can make you feel low.
Wash your hands before you eat,
So those pesky germs won't make you miss your favorite treat.

Eggs, cereal, or maybe some fruit,
Choose something healthy, that's what you should pursuit.
Your body needs vitamins and nutrients galore,
So you can run, jump, and play some more.

Each day is a chance to make good choices,
For your body and mind, it's like having voices.
Listen to them, and do what's right,
Your health is precious, and it's worth the fight.

So when you're done with breakfast and ready to play,
Remember to wash your hands throughout the day.
Stay healthy, happy, and strong as can be,
That's what we wish for you, for you and me.


  1. What did Tommy discover in the old box in his attic?
  2. How did Tommy feel when he realized that his drawings were coming to life?
  3. What kind of things did Tommy draw with the magic paintbrush?
  4. What did Tommy do when he realized that he needed to use the paintbrush responsibly?
  5. Who else knew about the magic paintbrush, and why did Tommy have to be careful about using it around them?
  6. What did Tommy learn from his experiences with the magic paintbrush?
  7. If you had a magic paintbrush, what would you draw with it?
  8. What would you do differently than Tommy if you had a magic paintbrush?
  9. Do you think Tommy made the right decision at the end of the story? Why or why not?
  10. What message do you think the author was trying to convey with this story?

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