Curious Chimp: The Scientist of the Forest

In Africa's lush forests,
A chimpanzee sat,
As she watched the world go by,
Thinking, wondering, and all of that.

She looked at the trees,
And the fruits hanging high,
Thinking how to reach them,
With a tool, she could try.

For you see, this chimp,
Was a clever one indeed,
She knew how to use tools,
To get what she needs.

And not just that,
She was also quite keen,
On observing the world,
As a true scientist, she's been.

So she studied her surroundings,
And learned a lot each day,
About the world around her,
In her own chimpish way.

And as she grew older,
Her knowledge did expand,
For this chimpanzee was truly,
A curious creature in the land.

So if you ever see a chimp,
Using a tool so cool,
Remember this story,
Of a scientist in school.


Here are a few questions to ask kids to think about the story:

  1. What is special about the chimpanzee in the story?
  2. How does the chimpanzee use tools to help her in her daily life?
  3. Why is the chimpanzee in the story called a scientist?
  4. What can we learn from the chimpanzee in the story about observing and learning from our surroundings?
  5. How can we apply the lessons learned from the chimpanzee in the story to our own lives?

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