Sorry, I don't have a story. Could you please provide me with the story so that I can suggest a suitable title for it?

Here in the pond so calm and blue,
Tadpoles swim and play anew,
On lily pads that float so light,
Insects dance in pure delight.

A bullfrog croaks his deep bass tone,
While a turtle paddles all alone,
A beaver builds a dam so strong,
As water striders glide along.

Reptiles bask in the sun's warm glow,
As dragonflies flit to and fro,
Nature's wonders all around,
In this watery world we've found.

So come and explore this magical place,
Where creatures big and small embrace,
A world of wonder, so serene,
Here in this pond, so fresh and clean.


Sure, what is the story about? Please provide me with the story, and I'll give you some questions that kids can think about.

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