The Brave President of the Frontier Cabin

Once upon a time, in a land far and near,
There was a brave president, whom we all hold dear.
He lived in a cabin on the frontier,
Where he worked hard every day, without any fear.

When he was a child, he had an idea,
To help the poor and make their lives much easier.
He always knew it was important to share,
And help those in need, because he truly did care.

But his daily chore was to gather wood,
To keep his cabin warm, as best as he could.
He worked hard every day, with all his might,
And always made sure his cabin was bright.

The kids of the land looked up to him,
For he was a leader, brave and trim.
They knew he always did what was right,
And for their future, he was a shining light.

So remember, dear children, no matter where you go,
Always work hard and let your ideas flow.
For you never know what you can achieve,
And your dreams and goals are always within reach.


  1. Where did the president live, and what did he do every day to keep his cabin warm?
  2. Why was it important for the president to help the poor, and how did he make a difference in their lives?
  3. What qualities did the president possess that made him a role model for the children of the land?
  4. How can you apply the lessons from this story in your own life, and what can you do to help others and be a good leader?

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