The Sneaky Mammal in the Forest

Once upon a time, in a forest so vast,
Lived a mammal, just like us, but it moved fast.
With average speed and boundless energy,
It could sneak up on prey, oh so stealthily.

But beware, dear friends, for this creature can creep,
And if you're not careful, it might make you weep.
So if you want to avoid a frightful scare,
Just stay away, and be aware.

Through the forest it goes, just the same,
Hunting for food, playing its game.
It's a creature seldom seen,
But its presence is felt, wherever it's been.

So children, remember to be cautious and wise,
And never let this creature take you by surprise.
Stay safe in the forest, and don't be afraid,
For with these tips, you'll be well-equipped and well-saved.


Here are some questions to ask kids to think about the story:

  1. What was the mammal in the story like?
  2. Why did the author describe the mammal as "sneaky"?
  3. What are some tips the author gives to stay safe in the forest?
  4. Have you ever seen a mammal like the one in the story?
  5. What other creatures might live in a forest?

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