Friends in the Woods: A Tale of Bravery and Protection

In the woods where creatures roam,
There are many friends to call our own.
A hummingbird flies swift and free,
Flitting about from tree to tree.

But there's a problem that we see,
A fox is chasing after he!
Quickly now, we must protect,
The little bird with so much respect.

A robin joins us on the way,
Together, we won't let the fox have his way.
With our beaks and tracks so small,
We'll stand our ground and not let him maul.

Even the chicken joins the fray,
Pecking and squawking to save the day.
And then a woodpecker lends a hand,
Drumming fiercely to scare the fox from our land.

Together we've won, the day is saved,
Our feathered friends and us unscathed.
We'll always protect each other, you see,
In this beautiful place where we roam free.


  1. Who were the main characters in the story, and what animals did they represent?
  2. Why did the fox chase after the hummingbird, and what did the other animals do to help protect the hummingbird?
  3. What did the woodpecker do to help protect the hummingbird?
  4. How did the animals' different abilities and strengths help them work together to protect their friend?
  5. How does this story show the importance of friendship, bravery, and protection in our own lives?

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