Tim's Bike Ride

Once upon a time, there was a young boy named Tim,
He was a bit nervous, and his legs felt slim.
He hopped on his bike, with his helmet on tight,
And started to pedal with all of his might.

As he rode down the street, he saw a big truck,
And he was scared that it might hit him with a thud.
But he knew what to do, to protect himself and be safe,
He lifted his head up, and rode with a steady pace.

The truck came closer, and Tim felt a little scared,
But he remembered what he learned, and he was prepared.
He looked straight ahead, and he pedaled with care,
And the truck driver saw him, and he gave a loud honk in the air.

Tim felt proud of himself, for staying calm and strong,
And he knew that he could ride his bike all day long.
So, if you ever feel nervous, just remember Tim's tale,
And keep your head up high, and you'll never fail.


  1. How did Tim feel when he saw the big truck on the road?
  2. What did Tim do to protect himself and stay safe while riding his bike?
  3. What did the truck driver do when he saw Tim on the road?
  4. Why do you think it's important to wear a helmet while riding a bike?
  5. Have you ever been nervous or scared while riding a bike? What did you do to feel better?

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