Once upon a time, in a land far away
Lived a dinosaur who loved to play
He roamed the earth with a great big roar
But sometimes he stumbled and fell to the floor
His bones were strong, his skeleton grand
But keeping his balance was hard to command
He wobbled and tripped on the surface below
But he never gave up, he'd always get up and go
One day while swimming in the sea
He met a shark, who swam up to see
The dinosaur's cartilage helped him steer
Through the water without any fear
The shark was amazed by the dinosaur's size
And the dinosaur was thrilled to meet such a prize
They swam together, side by side
And explored the ocean, far and wide
Though they looked so different, they found common ground
In their love of adventure, and the wonders they found
So never be afraid to try something new
You might make a friend who's different than you!
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