The Hardworking Baker and His Happy Bakery

Once upon a time, in a land far away,
Lived a baker who worked every single day.
He'd always rise before the sun,
And get to work before anyone had come.

With his apron on and his oven hot,
He'd mix his dough and give it a thought,
About the art he'd make today,
And the smiling faces that would come his way.

He saw the joy in each child's eyes,
As they tasted his cookies and pies,
And after they'd enjoyed their treats,
They'd always say "thank you" and take their seats.

The bakery was a special place,
Full of delicious treats and happy faces,
And though the baker worked hard each day,
He loved his job and wouldn't have it any other way.

So if you ever get the chance,
To visit the baker and his bakery dance,
Remember the love that goes in each treat,
And the joy that it brings to everyone you meet.


  1. Who was the main character of the story?
  2. What was the job of the baker?
  3. Why did the baker love his job?
  4. What kind of treats did the baker make?
  5. What did the children do after they enjoyed their treats?
  6. What was special about the bakery?
  7. How did the baker feel about his customers?
  8. Would you like to visit the bakery and try some treats? Why or why not?
  9. What lessons can we learn from the baker and his bakery?
  10. Can you think of any other professions that require dedication and hard work, just like the baker's?

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