The Magic Seeds

In the night sky, way up high,
The moon shines bright, as it goes by,
Sometimes it's round, and full of light,
Other times, it's a sliver, small and bright.

When the full moon rises high,
The world around us comes alive,
But after it sets and disappears,
We're left with only darkness, and our fears.

But don't you worry, little one,
For soon enough, there'll be another one,
The new moon, small and faint,
Will slowly grow, and start to paint,

The sky with light, bright and new,
And we'll know that the moon is back, it's true,
As it travels 'round the Earth so vast,
Through the starry sky, it's always the last.

The half moon, with its gentle glow,
Is something to behold, don't you know?
It's when the light and darkness meet,
In perfect balance, oh so sweet.

So now you know about the moon,
And how it changes, from June to June,
But no matter what, it's always there,
Watching over us, with a silent stare.


  1. What do you think made the seeds magic?
  2. Why do you think the garden brought joy and happiness to the community?
  3. How did the young girl feel when she saw the garden grow?
  4. Have you ever done something kind or generous for others? How did it make you feel?
  5. Why do you think it's important to be kind and generous to others?

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