Meet the Majestic Creature of the Forest with Golden Hooves and Antlers".

In the forest deep and wide,
Where animals roam and hide,
There lives a creature strong and bold,
With hooves and antlers made of gold.

This majestic beast with mighty stride,
Leaves large tracks for all to find,
Through the trees and over the hill,
It roams freely with its will.

It sheds its coat in springtime's sun,
And in winter, its fur has won,
Against the cold, it stays warm,
Protected by nature's charm.

With claws and antlers sharp and true,
It defends its home, through and through,
These are the tools it needs to survive,
And keep its family safe and alive.

So if you ever find yourself,
In the forest, among the wealth,
Of nature's creatures wild and free,
Remember this animal strong and worthy.


  1. What is the name of the creature that lives in the forest with hooves and antlers made of gold?
  2. What are some ways this majestic beast survives in the forest?
  3. Why is it important to remember this animal when in the forest among nature's creatures?

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