The Magic Paintbrush

Chemicals and leaves all around,
Photosynthesis, let's break it down.
It's important, you see,
For trees and plants to make their own energy.

Through the power of the sun,
They make their food, one by one.
In a cycle that never ends,
Energy flows, and life transcends.

They store their food in their leaves,
Which turn green when they're ready to feed.
But as the season turns to fall,
The leaves will change and start to fall.

So remember, little ones,
Photosynthesis is where it all begun.
Chemicals and cycles, leaves and more,
Nature's beauty is worth exploring for sure.


  1. What did the little girl draw with the magic paintbrush, and what happened to her drawings?
  2. How did the little girl feel when the greedy emperor wanted to use her paintbrush for his own gain?
  3. Why do you think it's important to use our talents and abilities wisely, and not just for personal gain?
  4. Do you think the little girl made the right decision by giving away her magic paintbrush in the end? Why or why not?
  5. What other magical powers or abilities would you like to have, and how would you use them?

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