Creatures Near and Far: A Tale of Animals Across the World

Come gather 'round, little ones, and lend me your ear,
I'll tell you a tale of some creatures far and near,
From Australia to Canada, Russia and South Korea,
There's a world full of animals waiting to meet ya!

First up is the kangaroo, hopping and jumping high,
They live down under, beneath the southern sky,
Their pouches hold their young, safe and sound,
And in the outback, they can always be found.

Next, let's visit South Korea, a land so bright and new,
Where tigers and bears roam, and deer too,
But one special creature, with antlers so grand,
Is the caribou, racing through the snowy land.

On to Canada, where the moose can be seen,
With long legs and big antlers, they're quite the dream,
Their hooves stomp through the forest, making a ruckus,
And they love to munch on leaves and bushes.

Last but not least, is Russia, so wide and grand,
With many creatures roaming across the land,
From bears to wolves, and even the sable,
The wildlife here is truly something to marvel.

So, little ones, now you know,
That from Australia to Canada, there's a whole world to show,
Full of animals, big and small,
And each one is special, one and all.


  1. What are some animals you learned about in the story?
  2. Which animal from the story would you like to see in person and why?
  3. What do you think are some of the differences between the animals in the story?
  4. What are some ways people can help protect these animals and their habitats?
  5. Why do you think it's important to learn about animals from different parts of the world?

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