The Boy and the Wondrous Millennium

In a time long ago, a new millennium,
Began with a world so fresh and brilliant.
The universe was massive and gigantic,
Filled with wonders both strange and fantastic.

In the heart of a canyon, so deep and wide,
A fountain sprouted up, reaching towards the sky.
Its waters sparkled, like stars shining bright,
And its spray formed rainbows of colors so right.

A uniform of red, blue, and green,
Was worn by a boy, who was quite keen,
To show off his skills in a special show,
In front of an audience, eager to know.

He sang and danced with all his might,
And the crowd cheered him on with delight.
The fountain erupted, showering him with mist,
And he grinned with joy, feeling truly blessed.

As the sun set on this wondrous scene,
The boy knew that he could fulfill his dreams.
For in this new millennium, anything was possible,
And with hard work and determination, he was unstoppable.


Here are a few questions that kids can think about after reading the story:

  1. How did the boy feel when he saw the fountain for the first time?
  2. What did the audience do when the boy performed his special show?
  3. What message do you think the story is trying to convey?
  4. If you could visit the canyon with the fountain, what would you do there?
  5. What are some other wonders of the world that you would like to visit and why?

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