The Flexible Robot: A Lesson in Adaptability

Once upon a time, there was a little robot named Rigid. Rigid lived in a world where everything was made of metal and gears, and everything was very stiff and inflexible. Rigid was just like all the other robots in his world, very rigid and stiff.

One day, Rigid was given a special task. He was asked to measure the volume of a large metal box. Rigid was very excited to do this task, as he had never measured anything before. He started to measure the length, width, and height of the box, and then he multiplied those numbers together to find the volumetric result.

However, when Rigid tried to write down the resultant, he found that his arms were too rigid to move and write the numbers. He was very frustrated and didn't know what to do.

Just then, a wise old robot came along and saw Rigid's dilemma. The wise robot told Rigid that sometimes, being too rigid can actually be a problem. He suggested that Rigid try to loosen up a bit and become more flexible.

Rigid was skeptical, but he decided to give it a try. He started to wiggle his arms and move his legs, and to his surprise, he found that he was becoming more flexible. He was now able to write down the resultant of the volumetric measurement.

From that day on, Rigid learned an important lesson. He learned that being too rigid can be a problem, and that sometimes, it's important to be flexible and adaptable. And so, Rigid lived happily ever after, measuring volumes and learning new things every day.


  1. Why was Rigid having trouble measuring the volumetric box?
  2. What did the wise old robot suggest Rigid do to solve his problem?
  3. How did Rigid feel after he became more flexible?
  4. What did Rigid learn from this experience?
  5. Can you think of a time when being too rigid was a problem for you? How did you solve it?

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