Downstream Adventure: Swimming with the Current

Downstream, downstream, let's take a ride,
With the current as our guide.
Watch out for rapids and swirling bends,
Our journey will have twists and ends.

Upstream is where we all begin,
But downstream's where we will spin.
Fish swim by, some fast and slow,
Watching out for predators below.

Salmon jump and spawn upstream,
But downstream they become a team.
Swimming together, side by side,
With the current as their guide.

The water flows, and we do too,
Watching nature's beauty in view.
So let's enjoy this river ride,
As we go downstream with the tide.


  1. What were some of the dangers the adventurers encountered on their downstream journey?
  2. How did the fish adapt to life downstream, and what challenges did they face from predators?
  3. What did you think of the rapids? Would you like to go on a ride like that?
  4. What was your favorite part of the adventure? Why?
  5. What did you learn about nature and the environment from the story?

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