The Brave Gosling: A Tale of Perseverance and Friendship

Once upon a time, in a land far away,
Lived a flock of geese, who loved to play.
They waddled and quacked, all day and night,
And flew together in a beautiful sight.

In their flock, a pair of geese were mates,
Together they traveled to many great states.
They hatched some goslings, so cute and small,
Who followed their parents, trying not to fall.

But one day, while migrating through the sky,
One little gosling got injured and couldn't fly.
The flock had to continue on their way,
And left the gosling alone to stay.

But the injured gosling was not afraid,
It knew it had to rest and stay in the shade.
And soon enough, it learned to walk and run,
And catch up with the flock, oh what fun!

Now the geese fly in their formation,
And the gosling has learned a great lesson.
To never give up, and always try,
Even if you can't fly up high.

So let this story be a lesson to you,
To always be brave, and try something new.
And just like the geese, in your own flock,
Together you can conquer any block.


  1. What was the problem the gosling faced during the migration, and how did it overcome it?
  2. Why did the flock have to leave the gosling behind, and what did it do while waiting for its injury to heal?
  3. How did the gosling feel when it caught up with the flock, and how did the other geese react to its return?
  4. What lesson did the gosling learn about never giving up, and how can you apply that lesson in your own life?
  5. Why do you think it's important for the geese to fly together in a formation, and what advantages does it give them during migration?

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