Galactic Friends: Embracing Differences on a Playful Planet

In a far-off galaxy,

Where the stars shine so bright,

There lived a little species,

With tentacles that glowed in the night.

They lived on a planet,

That spun round and round,

And they loved to suggest games,

That made the other species go round and round.

One day a little freak,

With several legs and a funny face,

Decided to approach them,

And join in their playful race.

But some of the species didn't want him,

And started to tease and shout,

But the others stood up for the freak,

And chased the bullies out.

Now they all play together,

On their planet in the sky,

And the little freak with several legs,

Is the best friend of each and every guy.

So remember, my little ones,

No matter how different we may seem,

We can all be friends together,

And live in harmony like a dream.


  1. Who are the main characters in the story?
  2. How do the different species interact with each other?
  3. Why do some of the species tease the little freak with several legs?
  4. What do the other species do to help the little freak?
  5. What lesson can we learn from the story about friendship and accepting differences?

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