The Young Explorers' Adventure on the High Seas

Come gather 'round, young explorers all,
And hear of tales both big and small,
Of ships that sailed the ocean blue,
And adventures waiting just for you.

With a frame both strong and broad,
A propeller to help it move forward,
An engine to power its every turn,
This ship is built to explore and learn.

The sail catches the wind just right,
And with paddles and oars, we'll take flight,
Using a pole to guide our way,
We'll journey on day after day.

We'll carry goods to far-off lands,
And with each new beach we'll make new friends,
We'll see sights that no one's seen before,
And learn of cultures rich in lore.

So come aboard, young ones, and see,
The world that's waiting just for thee,
With this ship, we'll chart a course so grand,
And explore together, hand in hand.


  1. What challenges did the young explorers face on their adventure, and how did they overcome them?
  2. What did the young explorers learn about different cultures and people on their journey?
  3. How do you think you would feel if you were on the ship with the young explorers, sailing to new places and meeting new people?
  4. What did you like best about the story, and why?
  5. Can you think of a place you would like to explore someday, and why?

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