Journey of the Brave Little Mouse

In a world of machines and gears,
There are things that make it clear
How they work and how they move,
With distance, lever, and the groove.

The wheel that spins and turns around,
A simple thing that we have found,
But with an axle to hold it in place,
It rolls and moves at its own pace.

And when we need to move a load,
A pulley helps to lighten the load,
It makes it easy to lift and raise,
No heavy lifting, just a simple phrase.

And when we need to lift up high,
A plane will help us reach the sky,
It helps us fly and soar and glide,
Through the air, so free and wide.

And when we need to move with force,
A lever helps to change the course,
It amplifies our strength and might,
Making things possible with all our might.

So let's explore and learn some more,
About the machines we have in store,
And how distance, lever, axle, plane,
And pulleys help us move with gain.


  1. What challenges did the little mouse face on its journey and how did it overcome them?
  2. How did the little mouse's bravery and determination help it to succeed in its quest?
  3. Why was it important for the little mouse to find food for its family?
  4. How did the other animals that the little mouse met on its journey help or hinder its progress?
  5. What did you think of the little mouse's adventure, and would you have been brave enough to do the same thing?

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