Parasites, Colonies, and Critters: A Tale of Keeping Healthy

Come, let me tell you a tale,

Of a critter that's small and frail,

Living in colonies, it's true,

But beware, for it might trouble you.

It's called a parasite, you see,

A tiny creature that lives off thee,

It latches on and starts to digest,

Taking nutrients, not giving rest.

But imagine, if you will,

A world where they don't cause ill,

Where moisture and life abound,

And parasites simply can't be found.

So take care of your body, dear,

And keep it healthy all year,

For parasites can't thrive or grow,

If you make sure to stay in the know.

And if you see one, don't be scared,

Just remember to be prepared,

To remove it and keep it clean,

So your body stays a parasite-free scene.

So that's the story, my young friend,

I hope you'll remember it till the end,

Take care of your body, be strong and true,

And keep those parasites away from you!


  1. What is a parasite, and why is it important to keep them away from our bodies?
  2. Can you think of any ways to keep our bodies healthy and parasite-free?
  3. What would happen if parasites were able to grow and thrive in our bodies unchecked?
  4. Why is it important to learn about critters and colonies, even if they might be small or seem unimportant?
  5. How can we imagine a world where parasites and other harmful critters don't exist, and what might it be like to live in that world?

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