The Squire and the Debt: A Tale of Love and Harvesting

Once upon a time, in a land far away,
A squire rode his mare in the month of May,
Her coat was a beautiful shade of bay,
And her hooves made a clatter as they made their way.

The squire was in love, he was courting a lass,
Whose father was the parson, a man of class,
But the squire had debts, he couldn't afford to pass,
He needed a plan, and he needed it fast.

The parson had a farm, he was harvesting his crop,
The squire offered to help, he couldn't just stop,
He worked hard all day, until the sun did drop,
And the parson was grateful, he didn't want him to stop.

The squire paid off his debts, he was finally free,
He could marry his love, and be happy as can be,
The parson blessed them, and they rode off with glee,
On the mare with the bay coat, so beautiful to see.

So remember, young ones, if you owe a debt,
Work hard, be kind, and you'll make it yet,
And love will always win, you can place that bet,
Like the squire and his love, on their mare, they'll never forget.


  1. Why did the squire need to pay off his debt?
  2. What did the squire do to pay off his debt?
  3. How did the parson help the squire?
  4. What did the squire and his love ride on?
  5. How did the story end?
  6. Why is it important to work hard and be kind, as shown by the squire in the story?
  7. How can we be responsible with our finances like the squire?
  8. How did love win in the story?
  9. What did you learn from the story?
  10. What was your favorite part of the story and why?

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