Lost in the Enchanted Forest

Let's talk about energy, it's all around
In many forms, waiting to be found
Electricity powers our lights and screens
And solar cells capture the sun's beams

Coal and natural gas are fuels we use
To create electricity we can't refuse
But they harm the planet, that's not cool
So we must find ways to use them as a tool

Hydropower from a dam can create
Electricity from water's flowing rate
And solar panels on a roof or land
Capture energy with a gentle hand

A generator can make electricity too
From fuel like gasoline that powers through
And a power plant can create much more
From many sources, for us to explore

So let's think about the energy we use
And find ways to make it clean and reduce
The harm we do to the planet we share
So it can be healthy, for all to care.


  1. What did the siblings discover in the enchanted forest?
  2. What challenges did the siblings face while trying to find their way home?
  3. How did the siblings use their creativity and problem-solving skills to overcome the obstacles they encountered?
  4. What lessons did the siblings learn about themselves and their relationship with each other during their adventure?
  5. If you were lost in an enchanted forest, what would you do to find your way back home?

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