The Ancient Wonders: A Journey Back in Time

In a land so far away,
Where ancient tales still sway,
Lies a culture steeped in history,
Full of magic and mystery.

The pharaohs once ruled this land,
With their mummies and pyramids grand,
Their tombs hold secrets untold,
Stories waiting to be unfold.

The pyramids rise up so high,
Against the blue and sunny sky,
Built by hands so skilled and wise,
They still stand tall, a wonder to our eyes.

Inside the tombs, a treasure trove,
Of jewels, gold, and artifacts of old,
Left behind by those who came before,
A legacy that we still explore.

So come, little ones, let's journey back,
To a time long gone, but not lost,
To learn and wonder, and to be amazed,
By the ancient wonders, culture that stays.


Here are a few questions to ask kids to think about the story:

  1. What do you think it would be like to live in ancient Egypt?
  2. What was your favorite part of the story and why?
  3. What do you think the pharaohs and their people believed in?
  4. How do you think they built such enormous pyramids without modern technology?
  5. What kind of treasures do you think might still be hidden in the tombs?

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