The Little Miner's Treasure Sharing Adventure

Once upon a time, in a world of make-believe
There was a little miner, who wouldn't want to leave
The precious jewels he found, were all he could think
His mine was his kingdom, with glittering stones and pink

But instead of keeping them all, he had a different plan
He wanted to share his wealth, with every girl and man
So he built a platform, gigantic and so high
For everyone to see, the treasures passing by

He used his vehicle, to carry the gems through
And everyone who saw it, wished they could have one too
The little miner was happy, to see them all smile
He felt like a hero, and it was all worth his while

And so the story goes, that sharing is the key
To make the world a better place, for you and for me
If we all use our talents, and share them with the rest
We can create a platform, where we are all blessed.


Here are a few questions to ask kids to think about the story:

  1. What did the Little Miner want to do with the precious jewels he found in his mine?
  2. Why did the Little Miner build a platform and use his vehicle to share his treasures?
  3. How did the Little Miner feel when he saw the smiles on everyone's faces as they looked at the treasures passing by on the platform?
  4. Why is it important to share our talents and treasures with others?
  5. What would you do if you found something really special or valuable? Would you keep it all for yourself or share it with others?

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