The Magical Journey through the Enchanted Forest

Up in the sky, what do we see?
A world of wonder, come and join me!

First up high, a cargo plane so grand,
With a jet engine, it travels across the land.

Next, a hang glider with its wings so wide,
Soaring through the air with a rider inside.

A helicopter with its rotor blades so fast,
Flies through the air with troops in its grasp.

Look up, it's a blimp floating by,
With its gentle glide across the sky.

A hot-air balloon with colors so bright,
Up in the clouds, what a beautiful sight!

Now, a space shuttle launching up so high,
Into the unknown, reaching for the sky.

And lastly, a propeller plane with a sound so sweet,
Flying through the air with a steady beat.

So many ways to travel in the air,
Come and explore, there's magic everywhere!


  1. What did the children find in the forest that led them on their magical journey?
  2. What were some of the dangers the children faced on their adventure?
  3. Which character did you like the most and why?
  4. What do you think the enchanted forest represented in the story?
  5. If you could go on a magical adventure, where would you want to go and what would you want to see?

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