Whispers in the Cozy Tent

In a cozy little tent so small,
Young kids gathered, one and all,
Whispering secrets, hush and quiet,
Giggling softly, not causing a riot.

But then a sound began to emerge,
A snore so loud, it made them surge,
Frantically trying to stifle the noise,
For fear it would wake up the other boys.

They tried to shush, they tried to hush,
But the snore continued, oh so awfully plush,
They feared it would never end,
But then, quietly, it finally did blend.

Back to whispering they all did go,
Giggling, laughing, putting on a show,
In their little tent, so cozy and warm,
A place where their friendship was truly born.


  1. What did the kids do when they heard the loud snore?
  2. How did the kids feel when they thought they might wake the other boys up?
  3. What did the kids do when the snoring finally stopped?
  4. Why do you think the tent was a cozy and warm place for the kids to be?
  5. Have you ever had to be quiet so you wouldn't wake someone up? What did you do to stay quiet?

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