Surviving in the Mysterious Habitat

In a habitat mysterious and grand,
Many species rely on their land,
Each one different in its own way,
Surviving here is not child's play.

Some have claws and teeth so sharp,
To attack their prey and make them harp,
While others use their speed and stealth,
To catch their meals without much wealth.

Though they're all so different and unique,
Their need for survival is what they seek,
Some are fast, some are slow,
But all must hunt to make it so.

Except for those that plants do feed,
They live without the need to bleed,
But even they must still beware,
Of those that attack without a care.

It's enough to make one wonder,
How these creatures don't go under,
But they survive and thrive each day,
In their own mysterious way.


  1. What does it mean to rely on something? Which animals in the story rely on their abilities to survive?
  2. Why is it important for animals to have different skills for survival?
  3. Can you think of any animals that live in a mysterious habitat? What makes it mysterious?
  4. Why is it important for animals to have a habitat to live in?
  5. How do animals defend themselves against attack? Can you think of any other ways animals protect themselves from predators?

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