Magnetism: The Invisible Force

Come children, gather round and hear
A story of a force so clear
It's all around, but can't be seen
A power called magnetism, so keen

It's what makes magnets stick together
And repel when they can't weather
The force that's keeping them apart
That's magnetism, it's just so smart!

Generators use this power too
To make clectricity, it's true
As magnets spin, they create a force
That turns to power with no remorse

But magnetism's not just for machines
It's all around us, or so it seems
Even when we can't see a thing
Its power makes the bell ring-a-ding

So next time you're feeling invisible
Remember magnetism's indivisible
It's the force that makes things attract
And repel, it's a natural fact!


  1. What is magnetism, and how does it work?
  2. How do magnets attract and repel each other, and what can we use this force for?
  3. How do generators use magnetism to create electricity, and why is this important?
  4. Can you think of any examples of magnetism that you see in your everyday life?
  5. Why do you think magnetism is an invisible force, and how does this affect our understanding of it?

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