Sarah's Soup and Space Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Sarah who lived in the south. She loved exploring and finding new things in her neighborhood. One day, she heard a strange sound coming from her backyard. She followed the sound and discovered a spaceship that had landed!

Sarah was so excited and climbed inside the spaceship. She saw that the aliens were cooking soup in the kitchen and asked if she could help. The aliens were happy to have her help and showed her how to make the soup. It was the most delicious soup she had ever tasted!

After they finished making the soup, the aliens asked Sarah if she wanted to go on a trip with them to space. Sarah was thrilled and said yes! They flew off into space and visited different planets. Sarah learned so much about the universe and made new friends with the aliens.

When it was time to go back home, Sarah was sad to say goodbye to her new friends. But she promised to visit them again one day. She returned home with a heart full of memories and a stomach full of the best soup in the universe!


  1. Where did Sarah hear the strange sound from?
  2. What did Sarah find in her backyard?
  3. What did Sarah help the aliens make?
  4. What did Sarah learn about the universe on her trip?
  5. What did Sarah promise to the aliens before she left?

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