The Blind Mole's Touch and Talent

Once upon a time, in a land far away
There lived a little blind mole who loved to play
But to explore the world outside of her hole
She needed tools to help her reach her goal

With her stylus and slate, she learned to write
Night writing symbols with all her might
For even in darkness, she could still see
With her touch system, she was always free

But there was one obstacle that stood in her way
She wanted to sew but didn't know how to play
So she picked up an awl, sharp and true
And learned to stitch, a skill she knew

Now she creates beautiful clothes and things
With her touch and her tools, she's the queen of bling
For even though she cannot see
She's the most creative mole there'll ever be!


  1. What challenges did the blind mole face in the story, and how did she overcome them?
  2. What special tools did the mole use to help her see and create?
  3. How did the mole's touch system help her navigate the world around her?
  4. What did the mole learn to do with the awl, and how did this skill help her?
  5. How did the mole's determination and creativity make her special, despite her blindness?
  6. What lessons can we learn from the mole's story about overcoming obstacles and pursuing our passions?
  7. What would you do if you faced a similar obstacle to the one the mole faced in the story?
  8. How can we use our own unique talents and abilities to make a positive impact on the world, like the mole did in the story?

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